Churches in need of revitalization usually want to grow. If your church has been maintaining or declining in attendance, you probably want it to grow. If so, the first question that most people then ask is, “How can we get our church to grow?” However, I believe that’s the wrong question. The right question is, … Read More

So often when a church realizes that it is in need of revitalization, the initial response is to look for quick fixes or what’s often referred to as, “the silver bullet.” It’s natural to think and hope that if we can just find the right program then all will be well again. Good programs are … Read More

Pretend that your church is declining and in danger of closing. Would you want to help save it? Why would you want to save it? What is your motivation? Is it because you love your church family and want your family to have a church home? Is it because you’re attached to the building-a place … Read More